Mission Statement:
The Sunshine Dance Club of the Chinese community located in the greater Harrisburg area was established in 2007 with a mission to promote the richness of Chinese cultural heritage through the art of Chinese dances.Since its establishment, the Sunshine Dance Club has been actively participating in many cultural events sponsored by local governments, schools, businesses and community groups.
New Dances for 2011
紫竹调 (Purple Bamboo Melody)-Southern China Style (click title for video clip sample)
紫竹調原是一首具有山青水秀,魚米盛產地江南地方色彩的民歌。它的旋律起伏爽朗,情緒樂觀親切, 舞者隨著紫竹調的一句一頓的曲調,活潑明快的節奏翩翩起舞,表現出江南姑娘樸素勤勞的性格和優美大方的姿態.
The original music of Zi Zhu Diao (meaning Purple Bamboo Melody) is one of the most well known Chinese folk songs which is characterized by its refreshing and poetic tune of the southern China. This graceful and elegant dance shows off the beauty of the ladies of the southern China through their movements of the fluttering fans.
西藏舞Tibetan Dance – Celebration (click title for video clip sample)
This is a dance represents the local characteristic of Tibet. Tibetan traditional dance is very energetic. It expresses people's passion for life. Tibetan costume features the long sleeves and its intense color contrast.
Please visit our Calendar page for detail pratice schedule.
Practice Location:
José Johnson's Chinese Martial Arts & Wellness Center
2233 Paxton Church Road Harrisburg, PA 17110
(717) 540-5345

Dances for 2010 (Video Clips)
北京新秧歌-冰糖葫芦 Beijing Yang Ge - Bing Tang Hu Lu(Click on picture to view video clip)
北京新秧歌"引入了京剧、健身操、少数民族舞蹈等元素, 赋予了秧歌更多的时代气息 Beijing new style Yang Ge is distinguished by its different manipulations of the silk handkerchiefs and fans. The movements of Yangge are rich, bold, natural and unrestrained, embodying the simple, honest and optimistic character of northern people.
小城雨情Chinese Parasol Dance (Click on picture to view video clip)
This dance shows the uniqueness of the southern China architecture, reflects the beauty of the ladies from that region, and demonstrates the love and care among the people.